Saturday, August 21, 2010

Reflections from a Rider… #1

What a world to see while riding on the back of a motorcycle!

Chad, Dwayne, and Nate have graciously allowed me to take part of a piece of their adventure across the Midwest. I’m not taking it lightly… kind of a big deal to be a girl on this guy’s bike trip.

A lot can happen while riding in the passenger seat of a motorcycle… I mean our first stop ever was quite entertaining when Chad and I dropped his bike at the gas station. Could have been more embarrassing if our friends had been watching. =)

And from the back seat, there is little to do but soak in God’s beautiful creation, think a lot, dominate the alphabet game, and let your sunglasses fly off the bike to smash on the pavement behind you.

When you drive through so many farms, and when you are stuck behind a horse and buggy more than once, and when you see signs that say: “Donate blood, win a buggy you know that you are in the Midwest. There’s something about wide-open spaces, rolling hills, and cute white picket fences that surround red barns and black cows that is sweet to the imagination.

“I hope we see some farms today.” –Dwayne

And when you’ve seen enough farms to last you about 100 years, there are still more to see. So then you have to start being creative to keep yourself awake on the back of a bike… like drop your sunglasses, or have your shoelace come untied, or take a zillion pictures of your sweet shadow on the pavement, or figure out how to apply chap-stick under your helmet… or whatever.

I think it would be a real good idea to begin ranking all the places we stay, to see which state comes out on top for hospitality/food/ service/lodging. But that may get a little too competitive, and hurt some people’s feelings, so I’ll just keep the tallies in my head. No pressure.

Ohio was hard to beat! What great sandwiches in Youngstown with Kristi, then off to Charm, OH for fantastic fajitas, a great sleep, wonderful fellowship, lots of entertainment from the kids, and a fine tour of THE amazing Keim lumbar company.  Plus the Amish were so friendly and out early to greet us. =)

“Remember that one time we were going to take 33 into Elkhart?”  –Nate

Elkhart, Indiana, (although the boys didn’t enjoy the drive so much because of the accident) was a grand stop. The guys got to meet the amazing Jan Lehman. Quote from Nate: “I have never met someone who is so friendly and can talk that fast.” It’s true. We were eating chips and homemade salsa, offered showers and laundry and a place to sleep before we were all through the door. Jan, thank you for the short visit that we somehow fit in 37 different conversations, or so. (There’s something about all you Mennonites that I can’t quite put a finger on, but I like it). Points definitely for that stop!

“Hey, Big White, will you let us in?” –Chad
(he can communicate with the big trucks while in traffic, it’s pretty impressive)

Our drive to Chicago from Elkhart was a little dramatic, thanks to me, my car and my updated map. I thought I was good at directions until I met Chad, Dwayne and Nate. Even though I was supposed to be following them in my car, I somehow thought that I could talk on the phone, drive my car, and direct them with the map that I was following incorrectly. I looked like a fool at the gas station when the lady informed us that I was wrong, the guys were right—and I had frantically waved them down, honking and shouting at them, for no reason—back on the road!

So good to be with some of the wonderful Groff Family in Chicago! Kaci Dawn has got to be the cutest girl in the world!
Dwayne, Amanda, Nate, Benoit, Chad, Hannah

It’s always fun to see people you know in a different place… like Doug, Crystal and Kaci Dawn, and the Martins, and my friends Benoit Duhamel and Amanda Lehman.

Oh, the little joys in life

like seeing your reflection in that crazy “silver bean” in Chicago, seeing Wrigley  Field and calling my dad, drinking bubble tea with Benoit for old times sake, eating good Costa Rican tacos with Salsa music playing in the background (thanks Justin!), watching Doug carry sleeping Kaci, and praying with my dear friend Amanda once more before saying goodbye.

Thanks Justin for putting us up in your apartment and showing us around Chicago!
I'll give Illinois lots of tally marks for hospitality for sure! =)
The guys are on to Iowa. The rain was heavy and the wind was strong… just adding to the adventure.

And they have not yet broken the “no chain food restaurant” rule. They refused to even step into Dunkin’ Donuts today. I’m proud of them.

Until my next riding reflection, Hannah


  1. Great documentation, Hannah! I love your style!

  2. Hannah, I think we should hire you to document the hole trip great pics!

  3. Oh, adventure! Hannah, I loved reading this- keep documenting the quotes, keeping yourself busy on the back of the bike, and keeping disasters to a minimum. I hope you find a new pair of sunglasses!

  4. Great job Hannah. We loved the pics. Be sure you train the guys to post pics before you leave them on their own.

  5. haha, those sunglasses wont be missed ;) love you dear!

  6. I know, Amber. I secretly dropped those glasses on purpose... I just wish you were here so we could go get a new pair together.... the guys are hopeless when you ask if they look cool or not =) hehe. It was because of my bad attitude about those $10 sunglasses that I lost 'em... hmmmm...

  7. LOVE IT. Seriously. I'm so jealous, what an awesome opportunity. I can't wait to see where you all stopped next! And being from Michigan slash the 'Midwest' I'm glad you enjoyed Ohio, even though I hate it. :]. Next time, make a stop at Lake Michigan, its a BEAUTIFUL spot! :]

  8. bike trip from a GIRL's perspective... love it! :-) you crack me up, hannah. great pics! will be looking forward to hearing about more adventures soon!

  9. We just saw you in CO Springs. We were right behind you in a white Volvo and saw your PA to Panama signs. We moved over one lane to let your buddy catch up. We decided to see if you were writing a blog! We'll keep reading.
