Saturday, October 23, 2010

Central America thus far....


Mexico is big. It took us 10 days to get through, 9 days of riding. Since we stuck to the coast we didn't get to experience much more than the beautiful coast, the miles and miles of endless beaches and shoreline, and the small coastal towns. The northern part that we went through was for the most part dry and flat. After Mazatlan and getting into southern Mexico things became more green and lush. And the road became more twisty and fun as we hit some of the hills along the coast. We could see the big mountains off to our left while riding down but we didn't have the time to go inland and explore. We could have spent a lot more time there but due to the nature of the trip we got through Mexico pretty fast. We'll get to see more on our way back up. We ate a lot of mexican tacos, so good and cheap. Not much can beat a taco street stand.


I love Guate. We had a beautiful change of scenery after we crossed the border. After a number of weeks of heat we finally hit some cool weather as we climbed high into the guatemalan mountains. The road twisted around back and forth as it took us through small indeginous towns. Beautiful people, beautiful mountains, really looking forward to explore more of it on our way back up.

Border crossings...

Not fun, way to much paper work and waiting and people trying to help. But they're necessary I guess, so we try and have patience as we go through. We're not sure if we've done everything right but we'll find out when we come back up through. Coming from Guatemala into El Salvador, the Guatemala side wanted to fine me like $275 dollars for not having an exit stamp in my passport when I was down here in January for a couple of weeks. I took my passport and walked away, they didn't chase me down so we'll see what happens when we come back up.


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